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The Wonderful Maluku Project
The Wonderful Maluku Project
The Wonderful Maluku Project
The Wonderful Maluku Project

is part of a program called The Wonderful Maluku Project and was created by the Citra Kasih Abadi Foundation. The aim of The Wonderful Maluku Project is to help rather undeveloped villages on West Seram in the Maluku Province of Indonesia.
Due to the project collaboration between the Citra Kasih Abadi Foundation and AIESEC Indonesia, we - 27 people from all over the world - had the chance to create a positive impact. We all got the possibility to help villagers in order to develop their social, economic and touristic circumstances in an environmental-friendly and sustainable way. All of us came to Indonesia with the same mindset:
Sharing is caring!
And this is what we did. All of us together, we`ve gone through an epic journey – A journey which we started in Kaibobo, Tihulale and Niwelehu.

We – Moc, Tessa, Facundo, Tom, Giorgia, Ingrid, Roman and Teresa – started our journey in Kaibobo and therefore, together with the villagers, we created The Wonderful Kaibobo Project.

The main goal for the villagers in Kaibobo is to get help to open their doors for foreign visitors. Due to their isolated but paradisiac location, the villagers have hard times getting to know other cultures.
Right at the beginning we realized that Kaibobo is all about the kind-hearted people and the blooming nature. Even though we all travelled a lot, we`ve never seen such an extraordinary and outstanding village before. With the intention to not ruin this idyllic and heavenly village, we put our focuses on matters such as providing English education and raising awareness about environmental issues and sustainability.


After weeks working and living with and in this beautiful and unique culture, we all found a second home in this inspiring village. Their willingness to learn and to bring a change into their lives is unbelievable and adorable.

To show you this potential, and to create an environmental-friendly tourism we offer you a sneak peek into a fascinating world

– The World of the Kaibobos and their delightful Nature.

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